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Dom9 vs Dr. Pretty Boy - Custom Video Series 143

$ 25.95
$ 31.59

When Dom heard that Dr. Pretty Boy decided he wanted to start wrestling, Dom looked forward to be the one to teach Dr. Pretty Boy. To his surprise, Finn was given the task. Dom decides to get back at Finn by secretly training Dr. Pretty Boy and scheduling Dr. Pretty Boy's debut match against Finn. Dom, already in his gear, approaches Dr. Pretty Boy in the living room and lets him know his match against Finn McCool is in a few days. Dr. Pretty Boy shrugs it off being more than confident he can beat Finn. Dom questions Dr. Pretty Boy's arrogance with Dr. Pretty Boy reminding Dom how he's won their last few practice matches. Dom, off put by the comment, then tells Dr. Pretty Boy to put his money where his mouth is and invites him into the garage for a "practice match." What Dr. Pretty Boy believes is practice, Dom uses as an excuse to puts Dr. Pretty Boy through the wringer. 3 mini rounds is the format. Dr. Pretty boy is able to hold his own and even though Dom gets Dr. Pretty Boy to tap out twice, Dr. Pretty Boy takes a page out of Dom's book and resorts to a ball claw to take command of the 3rd round! To Dom's surprise, Dr. Pretty Boy makes him tap out and knocks Dom out in a sleeper. Did Dr. Pretty Boy really just beat Dom in a match of dirty moves?! What happens in this match leads to a ending with one wrestler knocked out and the winner flexing with a foot firmly planted on his new loser..."Just like the last few times, I win."